Terms and Conditions
By using the Service, you agree to the Terms and Conditions.
We receive personal information of our users based on the Terms and Conditions. Please note that the Terms and Conditions of the Service are subject to change without prior notice. The changes are considered made upon disclosure of the Terms and Conditions.
In the event that the usage by a user is deemed unfair or illegal, use of our service may be stopped. In the event that acts that will or may invade life, rights, or properties of our service, third parties (individuals, corporations, or groups) are detected, we will provide the user’s personal information to relevant authorities. Users shall not use the Service in an unfair or illegal way.
Due to the characteristics of the Internet itself, our service does not have complete security and maintainability. We will not be held liable for any loss or damage of life, property, or rights to the user or third party as a result of a third person act using information from our service. Under no circumstances will payments made to our service be refunded. Under no circumstances will items purchased be exchanged to cash, returned, or refunded. Please make sure you read the Terms and Conditions carefully before making any purchases.
当サービスを利用する上でユーザーは当サービス、コンテンツのいかなる知的財産権も持つことは出来ません。当サービスにおけるコンテンツ、画像、方針、テキスト等は当サービスに所有権があります。当サービスを連想させるものを無断で使用、提供することは出来ません 。当サービスの利用規約に同意できないユーザーは速やかにサービスをご利用停止をして下さい。
In using this service, users can not own any intellectual assets of this service and contents. Note that this service has the proprietary rights for any contents, images, policies, and texts of the Service. Any contents that are similar or evoke the concept of this service may not be used or provided without permission. Users who do not agree to the Terms and Conditions of this service shall stop using this service immediately.